The arrival of a new puppy is an exciting time for any household. Your cute and cuddly little fluff ball will immediately command center stage from the whole family. Before long though, it becomes very clear that the new arrival means there's lots for you to do, and even more for him/her to learn.
Your young puppy is totally reliant and dependent on you to help him habituate and fit into our human, domesticated world. Your guidance and leadership will determine what path his life takes and what type of dog he will become. During puppyhood you play the lead role and are responsible for shaping the character, temperament and behavior habits that your dog will carry throughout his life. Your puppy's future is in your capable hands...
Quick tips
- 1. Behavior Modification
- 2. Chain Associations
- 3. Chew-toys and Other Time-Bombs
- 4. Chew Well Before Swallowing
- 5. Eye Contact is Important
- 6. Good Health is Critical to Successful Training
- 7. The Quick Hands-On
- 8. Hot Weather and Training
- 9. Lifeboat Training
- 10. Is Your Needle Stuck?
- 11. Off-Leash Training
- 12. Random Commands
- 13. Was That Right or Wrong
- 14. Teaching Your Dog To Pull On The Leash
- 15. Training to Your Dog's Focus
- 16. Using Force in Training
- 17. A Non-Slip Slip Collar
- 18. Converting a leash to a slip-lead